Dyslexia Correction Diary — 20111103

Today my son did not want to do clay. So I told him that we would do his reading book or the clay. He chose to read his book.

He has improved his reading a lot recently, and did very well. I did hands on shoulders (an orientation excessive) with him, this helped him stay focused. Until about half way through the book he got stuck on a word he did not know. He tried the technique he learnt at school (sounding it out, blending etc.). I then stopped him.

I asked him some questions.

Do you know that word?, No.
Can you sound it our? (I know he could not, I know it was impossible.), cryingNo I don’t know how. (He can do phonics, I have seen him use it successfully with words that it works on. But never mastering the word and having to sound it out each time he got to it.)
I reassured him, I showed him dad having a go and completely failing. He laughed.
I explained It is impossible, phonics don’t work all of the time.
I then asked Can you read this word? pointing at a word he knew, Yes.
How do you know?, I just know it, I know that word.
I told him that he would never get really good at reading, and not at all good at writing using phonics. It will not be fun.
Would you like it if you could just read, with out difficult words?, Yes, but it wont be interesting without the interesting words.
What if you could be good at all words?, Yes, that would be good.
Then we need to do ping, hands on shoulder and clay., OK.
Tomorrow., Yes.

At some point he was trying to rush, because I said he could do something else when he had finished. Recognising this I told him I could change the success criteria, We are going to focus on this page then stop.

Dyslexia Correction Diary — problems

This entry is about some problems I had and how I solved them.

Child destroying model. I went to do something else, and told child I would be back in 5 minuets and I expected him to make the best model he could by the time I got back.
Child messing about. I realised that this was an avoidance strategy. The child had learnt to do other things until the session timed-out, thus avoiding the activity. I told the child that I was changing my strategy. I would no longer be doing time boxed sessions, instead I would be doing activity boxed sessions. We would do a small activity that should be over in 10-15 minuets, and we would stop when it was finished (even if it took all night).

Dyslexia Correction Diary — introduction

I am Currently coaching my child to help him with his reading, writing and well you will have to read on as I will not over simplify it here.

My son is clever, very clever, yet his reading and writing skills are considerably below average for his age. Why is this?

I believe that it is not because he is stupid, he clearly is not. But because he thinks in a way that is not well suited to reading and writing and then the teachers act in a way that makes it worse. At first a child thinks differently in a way that makes them good at art/science/engineering, but then they meet a well meaning teacher and develop dyslexia.

The use of phonics does not work, as it does not address the issues. I rote foniks [not phonics] beecos I am dislexic not becos I do not under stand fonics. The child well be more frustrated as they are repeating the same boring stuff that they understand, angry as they are making no progress (it does not fix anything), and confused as these techniques get in the way.

see http://www.dyslexia.com/

I am not going to go into the theory any further. The rest will be diary style, of my personal adventure with my son. Follow it in category education/dyslexia