Creation Of an InterProcess Pipe in python, the Unix (Gnu/Linux) way

The most simple way is to use the shell to create a pipeline. But if you want to create any other shape you will have to do some programming. Some languages such as Python, TCL, purl … have built in functions to create task harnesses. Here is how it is done at the lowest level. Using Unix primitive system calls.

  1. Create a Task.


  2. Open Pipe

    import os
    pipe_out,pipe_in = os.pipe()
    print ("pipe is: ",(pipe_in,pipe_out))

  3. Fork

    import os
    pipe_out,pipe_in = os.pipe()
    print ("pipe is: ",(pipe_in,pipe_out))
    if pid<0:
        print ("fork error")
    elif pid == 0:
        #print ("I am child:", str(os.getpid()))
        #print ("I am parent:", str(os.getpid()))
        #print ("parent: child's pid="+str(pid))

  4. Trim Pipe

    import os
    pipe_out,pipe_in = os.pipe()
    print ("pipe is: ",(pipe_in,pipe_out))
    if pid<0:
        print ("fork error")
    elif pid == 0:
        #print ("I am child:", str(os.getpid()))
        del pipe_in
        #print ("I am parent:", str(os.getpid()))
        #print ("parent: child's pid="+str(pid))
        del pipe_out

  5. Plumb Pipe

    import os
    pipe_out,pipe_in = os.pipe()
    print ("pipe is: ",(pipe_in,pipe_out))
    if pid<0:
        print ("fork error")
    elif pid == 0:
        #print ("I am child:", str(os.getpid()))
        del pipe_in
        os.dup2(pipe_out, stdin_id)
        #print ("I am parent:", str(os.getpid()))
        #print ("parent: child's pid="+str(pid))
        del pipe_out
        pipe.write("hello, child\n")
        pipe.write("goodbye, child\n")

  6. Exec

    import os
    pipe_out,pipe_in = os.pipe()
    #print ("pipe is: ",(pipe_in,pipe_out))
    if pid<0:
        #print ("fork error")
    elif pid == 0:
        #print ("I am child:", str(os.getpid()))
        del pipe_in
        os.dup2(pipe_out, stdin_id)
        os.execvp("grep",("grep", "hello" ))
        #print ("I am parent:", str(os.getpid()))
        #print ("parent: child's pid="+str(pid))
        del pipe_out
        pipe.write("hello, child\n")
        pipe.write("goodbye, child\n")

    See creation-of-an-interprocess-pipe for how to do it in C.

Setting up sudo on Gnu/Linux

If sudo is not set up properly you will have to:

  • Add line %sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL to /etc/sudoers
  • Add users that can use unrestricted(but need to authenticate) sudo to group sudo
  • Each Gnome user to run gksu-properties and change authentication mode to sudo, to tell gnome to use sudo instead of su

Creation Of an InterProcess Pipe in C Unix/Linux

The most simple way is to use the shell to create a pipeline. But if you want to create any other shape you will have to do some programming. Some languages such as Python, TCL, purl … have built in functions to create task harnesses. Here is how to do it in C.

Creation Of InterProcess Pipes in C on Unix/Linux

  1. Create a Task.
    A Task

    int main (void) {

  2. Open Pipe
    A Task with a Pipe

    #include <unistd.h>
    int main (void) {
        int MyPipe[2];
        if ( pipe( MyPipe) != 0 ){
            Error("Could not open pipe");

  3. Fork
    Forked Tasks with untrimed pipe

    #include <unistd.h>
    int main (void) {
        int MyPipe[2];
        int Pid;
        if ( pipe( MyPipe) != 0 ){
            Error("Could not open pipe");
        if (-1 == Pid) // Error
            Error("Could not Fork");

  4. Trim Pipe
    Forked Tasks with trimed pipe

    #include <unistd.h>
    enum  PipeDirection_i {PipeRead=0,PipeWrite=1};
    int main (void) {
        int MyPipe[2];
        int Pid;
        if ( pipe( MyPipe) != 0 ){
            Error("Could not open pipe");
        if (-1 == Pid) // Error
            Error("Could not Fork");
        else if (0 == Pid) // Child Process....
            /*Close parent ends*/
            CHK( close( My[PipeWrite]   ) ); //Close parent ends
        // Parent Process....
        CHK( close( MyPipe[PipeRead] ) );    //Close child ends

  5. Plumb Pipe
    Forked Task with pipe re plumbed

    #include <unistd.h>
    enum  PipeDirection_i {PipeRead=0,PipeWrite=1};
    FILE* PipeOut;
    int main (void) {
        int MyPipe[2];
        int Pid;
        if ( pipe( MyPipe) != 0 ){
            Error("Could not open pipe");
        if (-1 == Pid) // Error
            Error("Could not Fork");
        else if (0 == Pid) // Child Process....
            /*Close parent ends*/
            CHK( close( My[PipeWrite]   ) ); //Close parent ends
            /*Plumbing of Destination */
            CHK( dup2(  MyPipe[PipeRead],0 ) ); //attach stdin to pipe
            CHK( close( MyPipe[PipeRead] ) ); //close old descriptors in child 
        // Parent Process....
        CHK( close( MyPipe[PipeRead] ) );    //Close child ends
        /*Plumbing of Parent */
        PipeOut = fdopen ( MyPipe[PipeWrite] ,"w"); //attach parent ends
        if ( NULL == PipeOut ) {
          Error("error in fdopen opening pipe");

  6. Exec
    Process B now running another program

    #include <unistd.h>
    enum  PipeDirection_i {PipeRead=0,PipeWrite=1};
    FILE* PipeOut;
    int main (void) {
        int MyPipe[2];
        int Pid;
        if ( pipe( MyPipe) != 0 ){
            Error("Could not open pipe");
        if (-1 == Pid) // Error
            Error("Could not Fork");
        else if (0 == Pid) // Child Process....
            /*Close parent ends*/
            CHK( close( My[PipeWrite]   ) ); //Close parent ends 
            /*Plumbing of Destination */
            CHK( dup2(  MyPipe[PipeRead],0 ) ); //attach stdin to pipe
            CHK( close( MyPipe[PipeRead] ) ); //close old descriptors in child
        execl( "/bin/bash","--verbose","-c",ExecName,NULL );
        //or: execl( ExecName,NULL );
        //or: execl( ExecName,...,NULL ); 
        //Cant get here unless exec fails.
        Error("Did not exec");
        // Parent Process....
        CHK( close( MyPipe[PipeRead] ) );    //Close child ends  
        /*Plumbing of Parent */
        PipeOut = fdopen ( MyPipe[PipeWrite] ,"w"); //attach parent ends
        if ( NULL == PipeOut ) {
          Error("error in fdopen opening pipe");

Many Connected Tasks


The Problem

You can put all the functionality in a single process but this may not be easy. You may be limited to one language. A bug in one part can affect another. You have to debug it all at the same time. If it has a GUI as its interface it will be difficult to do automated tests.


To help to separate concerns, break the program in to multiple processes and connect them with inter-process pipes.

A single process task

A Task is usually single stand alone process. It is protected from other tasks. Each process can be written in a different language, by different people, at different times. A Task can talk to the outside world via files, and std in, out and error. A Task has one Std in, out and error.

A Task Here is a task just showing the standard in,out and error. All Tasks Have these input/outputs. Any additional I/O must be created by the Task.

Task PipeLine

A PipeLine of Tasks A PipeLine is probably the most common way to connect processes. It is easy to do this using a shell. You just type the following (Where A,B,C are the names of the programs): A | B | C . This can be done interactively of from a shell script. As you can see the new Task is made of 3 processes, but it still has one std in, out, and error. Processes A,B,C do not need to know about each other, they just talk via std in, out, and error. The shell does not know How A,B,or C works, it just connects them up.

Task Harness

A Task Harness In a Task Harness task A Starts Task B and connects to it via B’s std in/out, and additional FILE descriptors on A. As you can see the new Task is made of 2 processes, but it still has one std in, out, and error. B does not Know about A. But A knows about B and must do the connecting. A does not know HOW B works. The shell only knows about A. A could open many others processes in the same way.


So tasks don’t have to be single processes. In the diagrams above the tasks may be multi process tasks (Pipeline, Task-Harness, or another pattern). No matter how you connect tasks you will have many processes but you can think of the result as a task and then connect this to produce a still more complex task.

Next: Creating Inter process pipes